Smoked salmon, high fiber scone with low fat yogurt and parsley

This is one of my favourite meals to make! I got the recipe for high fiber scones from odlums. Its very simple and easy to make and only takes 20 minutes of your time!
I made some changes to the original recipe and this is what I used and it serves 2:
- 125g self-raising flour
- 125g wholemeal flour
- 25g olive oil spread
- 150ml unsweetened almond milk
Firstly, mix the olive oil spread into the flour mixture and add the milk at the end and mix well. I usually scoop them into muffin trays just to help with the shape of the scones and bake them at 180°C for 20 minutes.
After which I spread a nice layer of low fat greek yogurt and place strips of smoked salmon on top of it with a sprinkle of parsley. I love squeezing some lemon juice on top of it, the flavours blend perfectly together.
I know some people prefer using crème fraîche for a creamy and full flavour, and I have them that way sometimes for a treat. Whatever you choose, its a great recipe and its easy to make when you’ve had a busy day and craving for something refreshing and healthy!